Subjects arrived overnight fasted (0h), and either consumed (BC) or omitted (BO) a standardised breakfast (Mean (SD) (3085 (217) kJ). Lunch (4162 (510) kJ) and dinner (4914 (345) kJ) were provided at 4.5 and 10 h, respectively and subjects performed 60 min fixed intensity cycling (50% VO 2 peak) at 8h. Blood samples were collected at 0 steroids, 4.5, 6 and 8 h, with expired air and subjective appetite sensations (hunger, fullness, desire to eat (DTE) and prospective food consumption (PFC)) collected throughout.
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Not everyone’s on board with Armstrong’s banishment. The Swiss based International Cycling Union issued a statement saying it would refrain from commenting on the situation until it heard from the USADA as to why it’s meting out such harsh sanctions. The organization had previously claimed jurisdiction over prosecuting Armstrong’s doping, instead of the USADA..
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